How to retrieve blob copy status

az storage blob show is the right way to get blob copy status. The command uses “Get Blob Properties” rest operation, which is the recommended approach:

It will show the copy properties of the last copy operation.

PS Azure:> az storage blob show –container-name dest1 –account-key “YourAccountKey” –account-name jackyst3 –name “MyVHD.vhd”

  "content": "",
  "deleted": false,
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "MyVHD.vhd",
  "properties": {
    "appendBlobCommittedBlockCount": null,
    "blobTier": "Hot",
    "blobTierChangeTime": null,
    "blobTierInferred": true,
    "blobType": "BlockBlob",
    "contentLength": 0,
    "contentRange": null,
    "contentSettings": {
      "cacheControl": null,
      "contentDisposition": null,
      "contentEncoding": null,
      "contentLanguage": null,
      "contentMd5": null,
      "contentType": "application/octet-stream"
    "copy": {
      "completionTime": null,
      "id": "a447e2f4-52bc-43e3-adfb-140c341b1208",
      "progress": "201326592/570770310",
      "source": "",
      "status": "pending",
      "statusDescription": null
    "creationTime": "2019-10-03T05:47:51+00:00",
    "deletedTime": null,
    "etag": "\"0x8D747C53A6C50CB\"",
    "lastModified": "2019-10-03T05:47:51+00:00",
    "lease": {
      "duration": null,
      "state": "available",
      "status": "unlocked"
    "pageBlobSequenceNumber": null,
    "pageRanges": null,
    "remainingRetentionDays": null,
    "serverEncrypted": true
  "snapshot": null

PS Azure:\> az storage blob show --container-name dest1 --account-key "YourAccountKey" --account-name jackyst3  --name "MyVHD.vhd"
  "content": "",
  "deleted": false,
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "MyVHD.vhd",
  "properties": {
    "appendBlobCommittedBlockCount": null,
    "blobTier": "Hot",
    "blobTierChangeTime": null,
    "blobTierInferred": true,
    "blobType": "BlockBlob",
    "contentLength": 570770310,
    "contentRange": null,
    "contentSettings": {
      "cacheControl": null,
      "contentDisposition": null,
      "contentEncoding": null,
      "contentLanguage": null,
      "contentMd5": null,
      "contentType": "application/octet-stream"
    "copy": {
      "completionTime": "2019-10-03T05:49:50+00:00",
      "id": "a447e2f4-52bc-43e3-adfb-140c341b1208",
      "progress": "570770310/570770310",
      "source": "",
      "status": "success",
      "statusDescription": null
    "creationTime": "2019-10-03T05:47:51+00:00",
    "deletedTime": null,
    "etag": "\"0x8D747C58189F762\"",
    "lastModified": "2019-10-03T05:49:50+00:00",
    "lease": {
      "duration": null,
      "state": "available",
      "status": "unlocked"
    "pageBlobSequenceNumber": null,
    "pageRanges": null,
    "remainingRetentionDays": null,
    "serverEncrypted": true
  "snapshot": null

For more information:

HTH. Jacky 2019-10-3